Monday, September 8, 2014

Is eBay dead?

Many people have trumped the death of eBay. Some online blogs have commentators bashing eBay all day, saying that it's only a matter of time.

Here's the answer: NO! eBay is here to stay!

Yes eBay's strategy has changed over the years. Yes eBay did have a few years in decline, notably 2008-2010 - but then again, who didn't have a partial financial melt-down during those years?

eBay is as string as ever. Auction aren't as hot as they once were (we will be discussing them tomorrow), but eBay as a business is bigger and badder than ever!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Should I buy from China

This is usually one of the next questions I am asked: "Should I buy from China?"

The answer is - it depends. If you are looking to purchase BRAND NAME items, you'd be best avoiding purchasing it from China. There are a lot of fakes and knock-offs coming out of China, and it's very hard to know if what you are opurchising is legitimate. If it's too good to be true, it's ually fake, and unfortunately with product coming from China thats usually the norm

From a Coach Handbag to a Rolex Watch to a Sandisk Memory Card - you'd be best sticking to US distributors.

Now though, if you are looking top buy GENERIC products though - eg a no-name brand memory card, USB cable, knapsack, stationary or the like - feel free to get out there and buy from China. You'll get great pricing and amazing savings!

I'll go into where to find suppliers at a later date

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Where should I sell?

This is one of the first questions I'm usually asked by friends or acquaintances:
"Where should I sell?"

There  are a few different online marketplace, but the most popular ones are:
They are probably only expecting me to answer either the first or second, and usually that will be my response.

If they are selling products from their home to make a few dollars, I'd say go with eBay. But if they are looking to build up a part-time online business, start with Amazon.

If it's an item with huge competition and you can't compete with Amazon's prices, try Usually you'd be able to move it there with a higher profit margin than Amazon, as there isn't the "race to the bottom" on Buy that there is elsewhere.